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4 Primary Types Of Steel For Metal Cutting Service In Singapore


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Steel and metal are widely used in office and home interiors. Have you noticed the metal letters plastered on the lobby wall above the receptionist's area of the company building? 

Perhaps, you saw intricately designed metal partitions in luxurious hotels and accommodations? You should thank your metal cutting service in Singapore for their hard work. 

If you want these metalworks, your CNC cutting service in Singapore may offer you different types of metals that will suit your needs. 

Here are the different types of steels and metals used for metal and laser cutting service in Singapore:

  1. Stainless steel

Stainless steel is an iron-based chromium alloy popular for its rustless ability. Stainless steel is known for its durability and corrosion resistance. 

Kitchen essentials, such as cutleries, bowls, and pans, use stainless steel as the primary material.

   2. Carbon steel

Carbon steel is an iron-based alloy with a high concentration of carbon. Similar to stainless steel, carbon steel has excellent durability. It is also shock-resistant and can withstand corrosion. 

Carbon steel is popular in construction. It is a common material for pipes and steel bars. 

You can ask your metal cutting service in Singapore for carbon steel metal. 

   3. Aluminium

Aluminium is popular for its silvery-white appearance. Aluminium is tensile, durable, and lightweight. It is also corrosion-resistant and a good heat conductor. Lastly, it can easily be manipulated by your CNC cutting service in Singapore. 

Cans, bottle caps, kitchen utensils, and construction materials, such as window panes, use the aluminium material. 

   4. Copper

Copper is a metal popular for its reddish colour. It is highly malleable, ductile, and excellent conductor metal. Similar to other metals, copper is corrosion resistant. 

Copper is present in appliances and electrical equipment. Many use copper for construction, such as roofing and piping systems. 

Most importantly, the reddish colour makes it a popular aesthetic decoration. Many homeowners send copper to a laser cutting service in Singapore for ornament carvings. 

Which of these steel and metals are perfect for your use? 

Cut Lab can work perfectly fine with any metals and steel! Visit Cut Lab for your CNC cutting service needs in Singapore