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Mistakes You Must Avoid During Your Ballet Class In Singapore

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When you attend your ballet class in Singapore, you want to train your body to dance gracefully while also being powerful. On the other hand, many ballerinas slip into the same destructive behaviours, which can negatively impact their performances and even their safety.  

Learn how to avoid these poor dancing techniques for ballet dancer workouts

#1. Rolling In 

When standing in the first posture, some performers allow their arches to drift forward, but this stresses the muscles in their feet and can result in injury. Instead of lifting your arches, which can lead to ankle tendonitis, expand up your hips to appropriately transmit your weight through your pelvis, legs, and feet. 

#2. Moving With Misaligned Spine 

Every area of your body can be affected by arching your back or hunching your shoulders. Standing with your tailbone pointed straight downwards, your navel muscles lifted, and your neck straight is ideal. 

#3. Clenching Toes 

Clenched toes make your feet unbalanced, resulting in poor posture and needless muscle strain all over your body. Concentrate on teaching your toes how to move slowly and deliberately during your classes in your ballet studio in Singapore. If you have trouble unclenching your toes before starting barre work, consider threading a strip of cloth between them. 

#4. Overlooking Excessive Hyperextension 

External rotator muscles can be weakened by extreme hyperextension, resulting in bent knees and injured ankles. To prevent this, performers with inherent hyperextension should extend rather than lock their knees, even if they are slightly bent. 

#5. Over-Tightening Your Muscles 

Stiff muscles are prone to damage and might throw you off balance. To assist in minimizing undesired tension in your shoulders, hips, and other vital places, practice rhythmic breathing. Even when standing motionless, if you think about maintaining a sensation of muscles. 

Bottom Line 

While improper physical habits might impede your progress as a dancer, having a lousy attitude is the most deadly sin of all. Positive thought allows you to be present and concentrated, which is the foundation of proper technique. If a teacher corrects your posture, take their recommendations to improve your dancing talents even further, and even if the mode of learning is ballet dance classes online.