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Online Learning: 5 Ways to Motivate Children to Study

· carean oh,writing courses SG,parenting tips
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The pandemic has affected the educational journey of every child in the world. Some students find it hard to adjust to new situations. It leaves parents thinking about: How to motivate children in this time of crisis? Indeed, learning should not stop, so here are the five parenting tips in Singapore to help your children learn despite the pandemic situation. 

1. Provide a Learning Place 

When students attend online classes, there may be background noise, gadgets, and family members as distractions. As a parent, you should provide a place conducive to learning. Doing so will help the children focus on their tasks throughout the class session.

2. Help Them Organise 

It can be challenging for some students to organise their schedules in an online setting. After all, an educational consultant in Singapore is not by their side to assist them. So, as a parent, be more hands-on about their class schedule and homework activities.

3. Ask How They Feel 

Everyone suffers because of the pandemic. It’s not always about the virus, but the trying times can also affect mental health. As part of the parenting tips, regularly ask your children how they feel to know their current feelings. You should also help them handle their emotions to avoid anxiety and depression.

4. Teach the Importance of Health 

For sure, children will once again go back to school for a face-to-face class. While they’re still staying at home, teach them about the importance of health, such as washing hands, using alcohol, and covering their mouth. With this knowledge, they will be more considerate about the health of their classmates and an educational consultant.

5. Encourage to Reconnect with Friends

It’s easy to feel isolated during the pandemic because everything is in virtual sessions. To solve this, you can talk with other parents to help reconnect the children. You can have a zoom meeting or meet-ups to bond and catch up.  

At Careon Oh, learning never stops by enrolling your children in childhood education like writing courses in Singapore. Visit their website to talk with an educational consultant.
