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Poverty And Education: 5 Ways That They Connect Each Other

· effects of poverty,living in poverty,poverty SG,education inequality,singapore
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Poverty has been a hindrance to proper healthcare and safe housing. But the factor that would always be involved is education. Living in poverty has become a reason not to achieve it, even at a primary level. Families need to provide for their other needs, like food and shelter. Incomes go there instead of investing in schooling. Here is how poverty affects education: 


The rate of child labour in Singapore is not that high compared to other countries. But the fact that it is happening means it needs to be part of the discussion. Most of them work to provide for their daily needs but do not have money for education. Sadly, this is only one of the many effects of poverty. 


Children need to be healthy while growing up. It concerns physical, emotional, and social development. Unfortunately, some need to stop going to school to lessen their expenses and focus more on providing daily needs for the family. 


Poverty and education go down in this another issue. Many companies look for someone who has proper education to get the job. And if not qualified, looking for another company or applying for a lower position are the options. 


Some people in the poverty line get to have an education. However, they need to stop because of the costs of higher learning. Going to college becomes impossible for them because of the expense they need to pay. 


One of the effects of poverty in education is financial pressure. Not having the ability to pay for the tuition can cause students stress and fear of not continuing. People in the poverty cycle think of this factor at an early age, making them ditch the idea of getting an education at all. 

Education will always have a connection with poverty. Good thing, people can do something about it. The steps you take create an impact, no matter how small it is. Fight poverty and educational inequality by joining movements like The Best of You. Visit their website to share your story and inspire people.